Step 1: Member talks to the person directly
It is incumbent on the individual who has an issue with another member to set up a one on one meeting or phone call to talk to them about the problem before ever discussing it with another member of the group or the board.
Step 2: Member brings it to a board member
If this does not result in a resolution or does not bring about change, then the member can take it to a board member to further discuss the issue. In this we establish a confidentiality agreement to create a safe space for open communication. Emphasize that discussions and details shared during mediation will be kept confidential among the involved parties and the mediators.
Step 3: Board member conducts individual interviews
Mediators conduct separate sessions with each party involved in the conflict. These sessions provide an opportunity for individuals to express their perspectives, concerns, and emotions freely.
Common Ground Exploration:
Bring the parties together for a joint session aimed at exploring common ground. The focus is on understanding shared values, interests, and finding areas of agreement.
Open Dialogue:
Facilitate open dialogue during the joint session. Encourage active listening, empathy, and the free exchange of ideas. Help the parties identify the core issues contributing to the conflict. Emphasize the importance of understanding the underlying causes rather than just addressing surface-level disagreements.
Collaborative Solution Generation:
Guide the parties in brainstorming and generating potential solutions collaboratively. This step reflects the self-management principle of shared decision-making, where all individuals have an equal voice in determining solutions.
Agreement Formulation:
Assist the parties in formulating a mutual agreement that outlines the resolutions and commitments from each party. The agreement should be co-created, reinforcing a sense of joint ownership and responsibility.
Implementation Plan:
Develop an implementation plan collaboratively. This plan should outline the practical steps each party will take to fulfill their commitments. Emphasize a shared commitment to ongoing communication and support.
Follow-Up Sessions:
Schedule follow-up sessions to assess the progress of the resolution. These sessions provide an opportunity to address any challenges that may arise during the implementation phase and to make necessary adjustments.
Closure and Reflection:
Conclude the mediation process with a focus on closure and reflection. Celebrate the resolution achievements, acknowledge the efforts of all involved, and reinforce the importance of a culture that values self-management and collaborative conflict resolution.